Making A Difference In The Lives of Animals

" I want to help as many animals as I can"

“Sometimes we question the impact one person can have, but if each of us were to save just one, that would amount to 8 billion saved. Can you imagine the magnitude of that?”


Our Mission

The Carvelli Foundation is dedicated to animal welfare, focusing on rescue, rehabilitation, and rehoming efforts for animals in need. We are committed to creating a safer, healthier, and happier world for animals through advocacy, education, and direct action.

How You Can Help

Donate: Your generosity is the lifeline for animals in distress. Every dollar you give goes towards critical needs like shelter, medical treatment, and rehabilitation, offering them a second chance at life. No amount is too small to make a significant difference.

Advocate: Use your voice to make a difference. Share the stories of animals we’ve helped, educate others about the importance of animal welfare, and support legislation that protects animals. Together, we can build a more compassionate world for our furry, feathered, and finned friends.


Donating your time to volunteer activities presents a meaningful chance to directly impact animal welfare. Whether your availability is limited to a few hours each week or extends to a more consistent presence, your contribution of time and skills is priceless. Opportunities for involvement range from providing direct care to animals in shelters, tackling administrative duties, engaging in community outreach and educational initiatives, to fostering animals seeking temporary homes. 

Our Charities

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